3-Phase Guide to End Toxic Relationships

relationships Jul 19, 2018

Some relationships come into your life for a season, others – for a lifetime. The eb and flow of relationships throughout your life allow you to reflect on deep truths about yourself and the world around you. While both positive and negative relationship experiences can encourage personal growth, it’s important to know when a relationship is becoming toxic for you, so you can put an end to it.

You have a say in who you share time and energy with. The key is to choose wisely and honor when changes need to be made to support your wellbeing. I’m going to teach you how to recognize a toxic relationship, share the ways it could be contributing to illness, and finally – present a 3-phase guide for ending the relationship to “detox” negative people from your life.



How to Recognize a Toxic Relationship:

 Any one or combination of these situations can indicate the relationship is unhealthy.

  • You feel drained by the other person & get...
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Why You Should Try Cannabisā€¦

cannabis marijuana Jun 12, 2018

Recently, marijuana products have been hitting the mainstream market in a big way. Navigating the terms and claims of these products can be intimidating and confusing. I’m here to help you gather the information you need to understand what leading experts deem effective and what could be a potential ally in your supplement regimen. I’ve experienced the benefits of cannabis first-hand and I’m excited to share them with you!

When I began my journey in the medical community over 20 years ago as a clinical pharmacist, I was aware that the cannabis plant had been used medicinally for centuries. Due to controversy over its psychoactive effects and legal issues, it was criminalized for a long time and medical benefits have only recently been more thoroughly investigated by research. Today, there is substantial evidence that cannabis can be therapeutic for many different conditions.

First, let’s dive into some essential terminology. Then I’ll share some...

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My Mykonos Diary & Must-Have For Healthy Travel

chakras travel May 24, 2018

Earlier this month I traveled to the spectacular island of Mykonos, Greece for the Enrich Global Retreat. I was a speaker and instructor for an intimate gathering focused on aligning the mind, body, soul, and heart to improve connection, communication, and well-being in relationships.

The event was orchestrated by my dear friend Darya Haitoglou, an award-winning psychologist and relationship coach. Every day of this 5-day journey was expertly curated for 40 guests from 15 different countries to enjoy a beautiful destination while deepening their grasp of life-changing tools, techniques, and practices.

The energy of Mykonos was so grounding. I felt truly rooted and refreshed during my time there, even though I was busy facilitating sessions all day and performing energy work on clients late into the night. I soaked in some local sights between engagements, and delighted in the rich tapestry of landscapes, crystal clear blue waters, and opulent infrastructure of the city. The...

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Do Thoughts & Emotions Affect Your Health?

emotions Apr 30, 2018

Everything is connected.

Your eyes see the words on this page, your brain processes the information, your thoughts about it may influence your belief system. You may make changes in your life as a result of what you learn. Maybe you decide to use the affirmations I share at the end of the article. These daily affirmations resonate with your heart and influence your emotions…

After a few weeks, you notice you feel more energetic, you are happier and realize you haven’t had a chronic headache episode in a while. You feel more connected to your loved ones and feel a renewed passion in your work. Your skin blemishes clear up. Somehow you have more time to do the things you love… 

All those occurrences are steeped with connection! Today’s leading experts are just beginning to uncover the mysteries of the mind and how our thoughts and emotions affect the workings of our physical body and internal systems. In this article, we will explore ancient wisdom...

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The Dangers of Juice Cleanses

cleanse detox juice Apr 23, 2018

Juice cleanses and other all-liquid detox diets are often glorified as “cure-alls.” Many promises are made with “quick-fix” program marketing that provide several days or weeks of juices for a hefty fee. These companies dole out hope for feeling and looking better FAST with colorful drinks and clever branding. Many people hear about these programs and try to create their own at home.

Desperation for a solution to a weight management or health problem can lead to drastic measures like these. Don’t be fooled by the hype! I have researched heavily and speak from many years of experience as an integrative health practitioner when I say: these fad diets can do more harm than good. In this article, I will help you understand why these liquid-only juicing protocols should be avoided unless prescribed by a trusted professional who can provide you with guidance on what steps you can take on your own to look and feel better.



Raw juices do contain...

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Naturally Heal Digestive Issues!

digestion gut Apr 16, 2018

Digestive issues are one of the most common causes for concern I hear from my patients. Symptoms such as bloating, stomach pains, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, and even weight-management struggles can be linked to disruption of healthy gastrointestinal (G.I.) processes. Living with untreated chronic digestive issues can result in severe health complications. 

Many suffer silently, thinking these ailments are just a normal part of life or a side effect of aging. There is hope! Here, I share my best advice from over 20 years of practice in integrative, regenerative, and Quantum Medicine for you to start healing your G.I. system.



I created this video answering the top three questions about this topic:

  1. What are some common signs indicating digestive issues?
  2. What can you do to better support your digestive health?
  3. How can energy work help heal digestive issues?

As explored in the video, it’s immensely important to understand that healthy digestive...

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Meditation to Transform Your Life

chakras meditation Apr 02, 2018

How often do you feel your head hits the pillow at night, and for the first time all day there was nothing demanding your attention? What if I told you that if you set aside as little as 5 minutes a day to intentionally eliminate distractions and embrace a quiet stillness, you could improve your health, reduce stress levels, and increase your productivity? Meditation is an incredible tool you can implement, even with a packed calendar, to clarify your purpose and elevate your consciousness.



Sink deeper into a mindset of gratitude, embrace prosperity consciousness, and find clarity.

With hectic to-do lists, constant technology pings, and demanding schedules, it can be hard to enjoy a grounded moment or even feel present in your body. Imagine being able to fulfill all your obligations more easily, and sink deeper into a mindset of gratitude, embrace prosperity consciousness, and find clarity. Allowing this stillness can result in finally healing old wounds, opening...

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How to Bring Flow into the New Year

flow new year Dec 29, 2017

It is as difficult to articulate as it is impossible to fabricate. But we all know when we are ‘in flow’; magic happens; serendipitous events occur; life is better, brighter, a gift.

It is a state of being where we are aligned with our deepest purpose, instead of resisting, doubting, or questioning it. When we are in flow, we come from a place of trust. And it feels right.

When in this state, there is a certainty that every step we take is leading us to exactly where we need to be. We can easily access our core of creativity, explore our true nature, and seemingly play with all the possibilities in the universe.

We often naturally go into flow when we are engaged in pleasurable and creative activities. Time stands still. Senses are heightened; sound, smells, colors are brighter, clearer. Everything comes into focus.

It’s like we have pulled back an invisible curtain to reveal the secrets of the universe, secrets that were always there, but that we don’t...

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Have you chosen the right health practitioner?

health practitioner Oct 20, 2017

How to Choose a Health Practitioner: The Difference Between a Health Coach & an Integrative Medical Practitioner

I get a lot of questions about this, so I thought it would be a good time to get some clarity on the different types of practitioners out there, and which one is right for you.

Choosing a professional to guide you on your health journey is one of the most important decisions you can make. The person you choose can make a real difference to the outcome you get. 

I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to explain a little bit about a couple of the different modalities that are out there to help you in making a decision from a place of knowledge, and also share what it is I offer to my clients.



Let's start with a Health Coach:

These are becoming more and more popular in the field of natural therapies, with quite a few celebrities and media personalities taking on this role.

A health coach is someone who offers support and advice to people to...

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The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Your Favorite Perfume

orali perfume Aug 17, 2017

And why you should care…



All Perfumes Aren’t Equal

Many of the most popular perfumes use synthetic fragrances to give them their signature scent. That ‘ode de cologne’ you love so much. The ‘floral bouquet’ aroma that seduces. That waft of ‘ocean breeze’ that takes you right to the beachside. These popular fragrances owe more to the petrochemical industry than to anything in the natural world. They are known as ‘synthetic fragrances’, or simply ‘fragrances’, and there is nothing pure or natural about them.

It is estimated that more than 95% of the components in fragrances are derived from chemicals, many of them highly toxic, that originated in the petrochemical industry. Even if your favourite perfume says it is natural, unless it lists every ingredient, you cannot be sure that they do not use ‘fragrances’. To protect their ‘secret recipes’, manufacturers are not required...

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