The Many Manifestations Of A Mother's Love

mother Apr 29, 2022

Being a Mother is a Divine act of love!

This Mother’s Day, I invite you to focus your attention on all the ways mothers bring so many manifestations of love into the world!

In this blog, you will discover powerful ways children learn from watching their mothers, reflect on the mother figures who have influenced your life, and learn how you can connect to the mother we all share – Mother Earth. I’m also announcing a special Mother’s Day gift you won’t want to miss!



Mamachka Memories…

Before we dive in, I wanted to share some reflections from my motherhood journey. I have four wonderful children. I am so incredibly honored to experience the joy of raising them – they are my friends! Watching my kids learn and grow over the years is a gift I will always cherish.

I saved some love notes my kids wrote me when they were little. These notes give me a precious glimpse of who I was from their point of view…

I depend on you and you are always there when I need you most. -my son Andrew (my second)

When asked what's the smartest thing your mom has ever told you: “send good energy to people.” -my son Mark (my third)

To this day, their sweet words bring tears to my eyes! These are heartwarming reminders of how my babies have depended on me throughout their lives. Motherhood comes with unique challenges, but it is the greatest love of all! I had to share these adorable memories with you:



Children Learn By Watching YOU

I am in awe of how much our children learn from us by simply observing.

Even when it doesn’t seem like they are listening – kids are tuned in! The things you say, do, consume, and fill your time with leave an impression on them. They see how you express yourself, process your emotions, and respond to stress. They observe your habits (positive or negative!) and absorb them like a sponge. Observational learning is especially prevalent during the “golden moments” of cognitive development within the first five years of a child’s life. (1)

A study was conducted observing mothers and their 12-month to 20-month-old toddlers where the mother either had a fear-based reaction or a calm reaction to a scenario. The results showed that, even from such a young age, children learn to respond in a fearful or anxious manner by observing their mothers. The second conclusion from this study was that the mother’s calm reaction to the situation could override any negative reactions exhibited by a stranger in the room. (2)

The second part of this study caught my attention because it is a great example of the positive effects of sustaining a higher vibration in the face of adversity – even when people around you are dropping into a fear state. How beautiful to know you can help shield your child from negativity by staying connected to your heart to process and overcome fear… When you dedicate yourself to raising your vibration and aligning with your Divine purpose – your children will take note!

As a mother, it is easy to laser-focus on facilitating learning and growth for your kids. However, it is important for you to have the opportunity to learn and grow too! Maternal mental health and having the bandwidth to be responsive, sensitive, and involved in your child’s life results in improved developmental outcomes for them. (3) I know this can sound daunting since it can feel like there is not enough time in the day to take care of YOU. However, when you DO carve out time to do healing work that will benefit your body, mind, and soul – your children will benefit for a lifetime. (4)

(Keep reading to the end of the blog to find out how you can start your powerful healing journey today!)



Spotlight On Mother Figures 

Many women without children of their own are mothers to the world – guiding, inspiring, comforting, and providing for children. Whether you are an extended family member, godmother, teacher, healthcare provider, caregiver, or family friend – know that the children in your life learn so much from you! Whether or not the children in your world share your DNA, your presence leaves a lasting impression.

Mother figures manifest in unique and special ways to help you through the many “rebirths” throughout life. Take a moment to reflect on the mother figures in your own life…

Who stands out as an influential mother figure from your childhood?

Who do you consider a mother figure today?

How did you experience unconditional love from these mother figures?

In what ways have their actions influenced you?

After you spend time reflecting, I encourage you to write some love notes of gratitude for the mother figures in your life! 



Connect With Mother Earth

On Mother's Day, I like to acknowledge and celebrate our collective mother – Mother Earth. Your relationship with Mother Earth is a sacred bond you can develop with conscious connection. As a child of the Earth, you can use your senses to observe, feel, and connect with the constant outpouring of love that is freely offered from our life-giving planet.

When you awaken your senses and get grounded in the body, you’ll experience a host of health benefits on all levels! You’ll also experience a greater connection with your intuition because your inner Divine intelligence communicates with you through your senses. Mother Earth can lovingly support you in this grounding exercise:

Take a walk with Mother Earth: When you constantly wear shoes outdoors, you create a barrier between yourself and the Earth. Much like skin-to-skin contact benefits a newborn baby and mother, so does direct contact with Mother Earth.

Walking barefoot on the Earth’s surface (grass, dirt, sand – whatever you have access to) for even just 10 minutes a day can restore a powerful connection with the earth. This practice is known as Earthing. Breathe deeply and relax your body as you feel your connection with nature strengthen. Enjoy a sunrise or sunset while you are earthing for added benefits!

Here is a direct quote from a 2020 research review about the benefits of Earthing:

Earthing (also known as grounding) refers to the discovery that bodily contact with the Earth's natural electric charge stabilizes the physiology at the deepest levels, reduces inflammation, pain, and stress, improves blood flow, energy, and sleep, and generates greater well-being. Such effects are profound, systemic, and foundational, and often develop rapidly. (4)



A Mother’s Day Gift For You

I hope this Mother’s Day feature helped you feel wrapped in the warm embrace of a mother’s love! I wanted to offer a special gift to encourage you to offer yourself or a mom/mother figure in your life the self-love and compassionate care we discussed earlier.

My gift for you is 40% OFF any of these three deeply nourishing online courses! Simply use the coupon code MOTHERSDAY2022 at checkout to receive your discount.

This discount is available for one week only (expires May 9, 2022) and does not apply to monthly payment plans.

Blessings to you and your family and Happy Mother’s Day! 




1. Yang, Qing, Jinlian Yang, Liming Zheng, Wei Song, and Lilan Yi. “Impact of Home Parenting Environment on Cognitive and Psychomotor Development in Children under 5 Years Old: A Meta-Analysis.” Frontiers in pediatrics. Frontiers Media S.A., September 28, 2021.

2. Egliston, Kerry-Ann, and Ronald Rapee. “Inhibition of Fear Acquisition in Toddlers Following Positive Modelling by Their Mothers.” Behaviour research and therapy. U.S. National Library of Medicine, August 2007.

3. Alhusen, Jeanne L, Matthew J Hayat, and Deborah Gross. “A Longitudinal Study of Maternal Attachment and Infant Developmental Outcomes.” Archives of women's mental health. U.S. National Library of Medicine, December 2013.

4. Scaccia, Annamarya. “It’s Science: Self-Care Isn’t Just Good for Moms—It Helps Protect Your Kids, Too.” Motherly, September 7, 2021. 

5. Menigoz, Wendy, Tracy T. Latz, Robin A. Ely, Cimone Kamei, Gregory Melvin, and Drew Sinatra. “Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine Strategies Should Include Earthing (Grounding): Review of Research Evidence and Clinical Observations.” EXPLORE. Elsevier, November 14, 2019. 


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