2020 Reflections & Revelations

This holiday season looks and feels quite different, but let’s remember that appreciating the things that matter most is really what the holidays are all about. So, as we prepare to “hibernate” this holiday season, I wanted to take some time to reflect on what has mattered most to me in 2020…

2020 has been a year of clarity – think of it as a year of clear 20/20 vision. We have been able to take a good hard look at our lives and declutter what is no longer needed, including old patterns, beliefs, and things that don’t align. For that, I am thankful.

While it’s easy to pick out the struggles and challenges this year brought to our doorsteps, I think it’s important that we gather the things we are thankful for in our minds and write it out, like a precious gift to ourselves. It’s essential self-care!

When you have a list of positive reflections to refer to, no matter what is going on, you can read through the list and consciously connect to the highest vibrational energies of love, peace, and joy. Here is my list and I’d like to challenge you to list 10 things too (I’ve even got tips to help you get the most out of the experience)!



10 Things I Am Thankful For:

  1. Time spent with my wonderful family, the special memories we made together
  2. Finding new ways to explore and strengthen my spiritual connection to source
  3. Having inner and outer resources to help myself and others through tough times
  4. The opportunity to focus on healthy living, eating a clean diet, and staying fit
  5. Unique opportunities for meaningful story-telling and presence with loved ones
  6. Wisdom and skills to overcome low points myself and to help uplift others in need
  7. The ability to see who my true friends are and who I can trust wholeheartedly
  8. Having the privilege to reach so many people with my books and online services
  9. The simple joys of listening to my favorite songs or going for a walk in nature
  10. New connections and opportunities that have aligned with my path this year



Tips For Making Your Own List of Positive Reflections:

It can feel really difficult to reflect sometimes – especially if you’ve been going through challenges. That’s why I want to share some tips with you so you can push past any mental blocks, successfully complete this exercise, and enjoy the benefits!

  • Set aside plenty of time to reflect – you don’t want to feel rushed
  • Do something to relax your mind, like meditate or listen to calming music
  • Set up a comfortable space to write your list with all the supplies you need
  • I recommend hand-writing so you can eliminate distractions like your phone or computer that may tempt you – if you do use a device, put it on airplane mode
  • Grab a cup of tea and a healthy snack to enjoy while you’re thinking and writing

Most of all, I hope you have fun while you reflect!

We may not be traveling or gathering like we normally would this time of year – but reflecting on the good in your life will help you make the most of your “hibernation” holiday. I encourage you to take the opportunity to reflect on your inner world and find ways you can embody love, peace, and joy to nourish your body, mind, and soul.



2020 Was Full of Revelations

This year, Alejandro and I put in countless hours to develop a system to lift the veil and reveal the consciousness levels of well-known public figures. We wanted to reveal all that has been hidden and unmask everything that is playing out in our reality to discover the truth.

All our hard work culminated in the weekly series we host, Vibrational Revelations. In each session, we offer our viewers and members a look behind the Veil of Illusion. Not only that, but we’ve also created a meeting place for so many amazing humans all over the world! We even took it a step further to make a positive impact through one-on-one Vibrational Frequency Analysis.

When you join Vibrational Revelations, you are given the insiders ability to question everything, explore beyond the beliefs you’ve become attached to, and dive deeper into understanding yourself and others.

Now, you have the opportunity to join us! As a member, you will be able to attend the live discussions every Tuesday, have unlimited access to the entire library of Vibrational Revelations recordings and content, and ask questions, post requests, and connect with fellow truth seekers in our private community! 


Join Now


We are so thrilled to have you join us, to share unique insights, and to grow our community together.

Happy Holidays and many blessings for the new year from my family to you.


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